
Quick Overview

ASC designs Econoclaves specifically for different market segments. We have versions customized to meet the needs of aerospace composites, ballistic, glass laminating, and nuclear markets.

Size and operating conditions:

ASC can design and build any size Econoclave you require. We have experience building shop and field-erected units from 1' diameter x 3' long to 30' diameter x 200' long. Operating conditions up to 2000 psig and 1500 °F are no problem.

Advanced capabilities are standard:

Unlike other manufacturers, ASC provides advanced capabilities as a standard for all new autoclaves. These capabilities include the world's leading Composite Processing Control computer control system, automatic vacuum line control, automated quality analysis, advanced reporting, SPC capabilities, and many other features not available from any other autoclave or controls company.

Availability: Against Order

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Backed by the skilled and experienced service technicians, it continuously extending the service range to cater more clients. The emphasis in providing effective after sale services commensurate with the principle.